Designed to measure small, intricate parts right on the manufacturing floor

SNAP? Large FOV Video Measurement Systems are compact measuring systems that integrate perfectly from the shop floor, to the lab, or as part of an automated work cell. Rugged construction and an open work envelope make SNAP easy to implement in virtually any manufacturing setting.

All SNAP systems feature large field of view optics, high resolution cameras, and lighting custom-designed to optimize the image, creating a complete optical system. Camera, optics, lighting, and platform are matched and tuned for optimum performance.

SNAP-X software provides users with a simple, powerful interface for instant 2D measurement, virtual chart gaging, and profile analysis. Optional ZONE3 software combines Parallel Processing with intelligent routine Optimization resulting in faster programming and run times by measuring as many features as can be seen simultaneously. An 竞技宝JJB·(中国)电子竞技平台 SNAP is a metrology system that offers:


  • Delivers a much larger area of measurement without stage movement, ideal for small parts with fine features
  • Automatic measurement of single parts, multiple parts - even a mixture of different part, producing high accuracy images
  • Instant 2D measurement, virtual chart gaging, and profile analysis
  • Measure details anywhere in the viewing area
  • Advanced programming techniques and full-field parallel processing


  • Video system with field sizes similar to traditional optical comparators
  • High- resolution digital metrology camera with specially designed optics and lighting
  • SNAP-X software has major functions that focus on core tasks
  • Exclusive Zoom Anywhere technology
  • Optional ZONE3 Metrology Software
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